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Deep South Remedies Helpful Information Home Remedy Acne Treatments, Salt and Sugar Body Scrubs

Your skin also known as your epidermis is your largest organ. It keeps your internal organs and the rest of your so called guts inside your skeleton in “Layman’s terms”.

Here’s are a few simple tips: If you want the skin on your face to look lovely, stop touching it. Wash your skin a couple of times a day and not too much you do not want to remove the good oils. Wash your hands too because if you have germs or oils and you will transfer them to your face. Most people do not realize how much they actually tough their faces, I just had an itch while typing this! I have heard that working out relieves stress in the body not only will that make you feel better but sweating will also help you clean out your pores. Just remember to shower and cleanse your skin after your workout.

1. Baking Soda: Use baking soda. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste onto acne individually, not over the entire face. Dip a Q-Tip into the baking soda mixture and apply that way. Leave the baking soda paste on your face for about 10 minutes, or until dry. Wash off with very cold water. It will help close the pores significantly. Repeat at most two times a day. If your skin becomes irritated or excessively oily due to use, make sure to discontinue treatment.

2. Lemons: Try using lemon juice as an acne remedy. Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it’s working. Lemons contain citric acid, which attacks the bacteria that cause acne. Make sure to wipe/wash the lemon juice off, and use sunscreen afterwards. Citric acid can bleach the skin and puts it at significantly higher likelihood of sun damage.

3. Potato: Slice a raw potato and apply to skin. Slice a raw potato in half and apply onto acne. Raw potato can heal as well as act an anti-inflammatory. Again, wash the residue off your skin gently with water after using.

4. Toothpaste: Use toothpaste for pimples. If you have a single, mighty pimple you want destroyed overnight, consider using toothpaste to cover the pimple with. Toothpaste contains silica, which is the substance you find in beef jerky bags, used to keep any moisture out of substances. Silica will dry out and diminish the size of the pimple overnight if left on.Try using a natural toothpaste — with silica but without sodium lauryl sulfate. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a harsh chemical that’s also an irritant to some people. It’s best to avoid it, and any of the big, name-brand toothpastes, for that reason.

5. Ice: Use ice to close your pores and reduce inflammation. A lot of people with big pores like to take ice cubes and gently hold or rub them over their problem spots. Ice specifically, and cold in general, constricts the blood vessels underneath the skin, making the irritation or inflammation less noticeable.

6. Tea Tree Oil: Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a renowned anti-fungal and antibacterial herbal remedy, making it great for mild to moderate acne. In a study comparing the efficacy of tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil proved just as effective in fighting acne and reducing lesions.[1] Whereas benzoyl peroxide works quicker than tea tree oil, tea tree oil produces less side effects in patients.

7. Aspirin: Crush up some aspirin and use it as a paste. Crush up a pill or two of aspirin and mix it with just enough water to form a paste — as you might have done with the baking soda. With a Q-Tip or your hands, apply the paste onto individual pimples, leaving to dry. Why does aspirin work? Aspirin has salicylic acid in it, which is what most topical acne treatments use to bust up acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic acid dries out pimples and fights the bacteria simultaneously.

8. Alum: Apply alum to the pimples. Potassium alum can usually be found in the spice aisle in some grocery stores. Although widely used as a natural deodorant and styptic (lessens bleeding after a cut), alum is a natural antiseptic and astringent, meaning that it shrinks skin tissue.

9. Honey and Cinnamon: Honey is an unprocessed antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and eliminates acne. Cinnamon has beneficial properties from essential oils in cinnamon bark, allowing it to be an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory agent to the skin. Combine the two and create a face mask to aide your skin in repairing damage.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar: The lesser popular vinegar than balsamic, this regulates the pH of your skin and can help with detox. Malic and lactic acids are also found in the vinegar for assistance in softening and exfoliating skin, using as a toner and treating acne all over your body. Weaken the vinegar with water and apply to the face as a toner.

11.Tomatoes/Tomato Pulp: The acidity in tomatoes helps skin dry up acne. Not only this, but inside of the tomato are vitamins (A,C and K) and lycopene, which can be found in many acne healing medications. For a simple take on the tomato for clear skin, slice one open and simply place it on the problematic areas of your face. You can also grind or mash up the tomato into a pulp consistency and apply like a facial mask, repeating the process regularly and you’ll see the difference.

12. Garlic: Allicin, sulphur, zinc and calcium properties are all found in garlic and act as antibiotic and anti-fungals, helping to clean the skin. To use garlic, crush cloves, mix with water and apply to the skin.

13. Cucumber: Hydration! Cucumbers are 95% water, they remove dead skin cells and clean pores. They can be used as a face wash as they moisturize and remove extra oil. Grind cucumbers and mix with water for application to the face.

14. Sugar Scrub: Skin exfoliation is the most important beauty treatment that you should follow in order to maintain healthy, glowing and pimple free skin. Brown sugar is one of the mildest natural exfoliater. It removes the dead cells, dirt, sebum and impurities from the pores, which causes pimples.

15. Oranges: Use orange peel is also a wonderful home remedy for treating acne and acne scars. Dry orange peel in shadow and grind them to make powder. Make a paste of orange peel powder with water and apply on the acne. This home remedy is very effective for curing acne naturally at home.

There are many more out there not sure if all of them work but I have heard also banana peel, oatmeal etc. You have to find what works and if you are really wanting to ensue you correct your acne problem you might want to contact a dermatologist and rely on prescription strength medication. These are all just suggestions for mild acne that you can try different treatments for common isolated acne.

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