10 Uses for Baking Soda and Cleaning Your Bathroom


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We’re talking about baking soda, also called bicarbonate of soda or sodium bicarbonate. This product that raises cakes and calms heartburn also has a number of cleaning applications. Although it’s mild enough to use on most household surfaces, this article focuses on uses in the bathroom — which covers a lot of ground, metaphorically speaking.

If there’s one drawback, it’s that it may take more elbow grease to clean with baking soda than commercial cleansers. On the other hand, cleaning the bathroom may count toward the 30 minutes of daily exercise recommended by the American Heart Association .

1. Toilets – We’ll start, as many people do, with the least pleasant task on the list: cleaning the toilet. Although some toilets are made with a stain-resistant finish, the bowl is still at risk of staining. The minerals in standing water can discolor the porcelain. Brown- and rust-colored rings can be a particular problem in areas that have mineral-rich water, also known as hard water. If allowed to build, such stains require strongly acidic cleansers to remove. These products can slowly erode the porcelain, not to mention the immediate damage they can do to the skin, eyes, nose and throat.

It’s worthwhile, then, to practice preventive maintenance. First, make “flush” a family rule. Also, make a simple routine part of your weekly cleaning: Sprinkle the toilet with cup of baking soda. Let it sit for 30 minutes, then spray or squirt with vinegar (a mild acid) to moisten. Scrub with a bowl brush and flush away .

2. Sinks and Tubs – That chalky ring around the tub isn’t (necessarily) a sign that the last person who took a bath was particularly dirty. Even in the most hygienic households, soap scum can strike. Soap scum is the residue that results from body oils and the fats in soap reacting with the mineral salts in water. Bathtubs, showers and sinks are prone to soap scum. Again, hard water aggravates the problem.

Wipe down tubs and sinks after using them to prevent soap scum from forming. If soap scum does show up, sponge it off with a paste of baking soda and dishwashing detergent. Unlike soaps, detergents don’t react with salts, so they don’t contribute to the build up .

To treat stubborn cases, add 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) baking soda, 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) vinegar and 1 cup (235 milliliters) ammonia to 1 gallon (3.8 liters) warm water. Douse the area and rinse it well. Wear rubber gloves and make sure the room is well ventilated when mixing and using this solution: Ammonia is a caustic. It burns tissue on contact and the fumes can damage your lungs.

3. Showers – When you’re mixing cleaning products, remember never to mix bleach with cleansers that contain acids (including vinegar) or ammonia. Combining these ingredients will produce chlorine or chloramine gasses, which can burn your eyes, lungs and skin.

That chalky ring around the tub isn’t (necessarily) a sign that the last person who took a bath was particularly dirty. Even in the most hygienic households, soap scum can strike. Soap scum is the residue that results from body oils and the fats in soap reacting with the mineral salts in water. Bathtubs, showers and sinks are prone to soap scum. Again, hard water aggravates the problem.

Wipe down tubs and sinks after using them to prevent soap scum from forming. If soap scum does show up, sponge it off with a paste of baking soda and dish-washing detergent. Unlike soaps, detergents don’t react with salts, so they don’t contribute to the build up .

To treat stubborn cases, add 1/4 cup (60 milliliters) baking soda, 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) vinegar and 1 cup (235 milliliters) ammonia to 1 gallon (3.8 liters) warm water. Douse the area and rinse it well. Wear rubber gloves and make sure the room is well ventilated when mixing and using this solution: Ammonia is a caustic. It burns tissue on contact and the fumes can damage your lungs.

But porcelain isn’t the only target for baking soda. Our next tip makes the point crystal clear.

Glass shower doors add an elegant touch in a bathroom. But soapy water spots and stray flecks of toothpaste or shaving cream add an unattractive touch to glass doors. Most professionals discourage using common scouring powders to clean shower doors . The tiny, gritty granules that scrub off strains can also leave tiny scratches.

Baking soda, in contrast, is a salt that dissolves in water. And at a mere 65 microns (0.0026 inches, or 0.0065 centimeters) in diameter, its granules aren’t going to hurt anything . Sprinkle a little on a damp sponge and wipe down the glass. Rinse well and dry. For a really sharp finish, use a squeegee to avoid leaving lint and to minimize streaks.

4. Drains and Faucets – As with toilets, standing water can mar the shine of chrome. The result isn’t a stain, but mineral build up. As water pools around faucets and drains, the minerals settle to the bottom and eventually landscape the sink or tub with a rocky little ridge of calcium carbonate, also known as limescale or simply lime.

Commercial cleansers that are formulated specifically to dissolve lime and other mineral deposits have a drawback, besides toxicity concerns. They can discolor and damage chrome and stainless steel, as well as brass, bronze and nickel finishes. Vinegar, on the other hand, dissolves lime without harming metal. It works more slowly, however, and must be applied continuously. To keep vinegar from drying up or running off before it can do its work, mix it with baking soda to form a paste. Thoroughly coat the lime. Let it sit for a few hours, then rinse off . Heavy deposits may take several applications to get rid of.

5. Shower Heads – Unlike stains and lime deposits, clogs form hidden from view inside plumbing fixtures. You don’t notice them until your drain isn’t draining and your shower isn’t showering you.

To keep a drain open, pour in 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) baking soda, followed by 1 cup (235 milliliters) vinegar. Let sit for 10 to 20 minutes and then flush the drain with very hot water. This helps break up soap, hair, grime and other bathroom debris that slows the flow. Never try this treatment on clogged drains that you’ve treated with a commercial drain opener. The kickback from the soda-vinegar reaction may spew caustic fumes and liquid back into the sink.

Mineral deposits are sometimes the cause of sluggish showers. A simple fix: Detach the shower-head and soak for an hour in 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) baking soda mixed with 1 cup (235 milliliters) vinegar. Reattach and run very hot water through the shower-head for several minutes.

6. Stone Tile – Stone tile is popular for bathrooms walls, floors and vanities for its beauty and durability. It stands up to heavy foot traffic and steamy showers. Yet many types of stone are etched or dulled by the acids in commercial cleaners. That includes marble, limestone, porcelain and other unglazed ceramics. Experts recommend pH-neutral cleansers for everyday care and to clean light stains, like mud splatters that don’t penetrate the surface. Stone tile sponges up oily stains like lipstick, nail polish and baby oil, however. These require alkaline cleansers .

With a pH of around 9, baking soda makes a good spot-cleaning poultice. Coat the stain with a thick paste of baking soda and water. Give the poultice 24 to 48 hours to draw out the stain, and then rinse and dry the surface thoroughly.

7. Grout – Grout is often overlooked in the cleaning routine. Yet these cracks between stone tiles deserve at least as much attention. Stained grout can spoil the appearance of an expensive wall or floor treatment. Even worse, dirty grout can breed mold, mildew and bacteria, which can lead to more trouble and expense — and possibly even illness.

Like tile, grout is best cleaned with moderately alkaline cleansers. Make a runny paste with baking soda and water, and gently scrub with an old toothbrush or other soft-bristled brush. If you detect fungus growth, knock it out with a thicker mixture of three parts baking soda to one part bleach. Rinse either mixture with plenty of water and dry well. You might consider using a wet/dry vacuum for large areas of floor.

8. Vinyl – Baking soda has as many cleaning uses for vinyl as there are types of vinyl surfaces. Start with the floor. A sprinkle of baking soda lightly scrubbed with a wet sponge will take many stains off of a vinyl floor. Be careful to avoid soaking the floor, however, and dry it thoroughly afterward. Water can seep into seams and under edges, loosening the glue and curling the corners.

The same process works for vinyl shower curtains, bath mats and appliqués, which are prone to mildew as well as soapy residue. Curtains can additionally be machine-washed with baking soda. Add 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) with the detergent and choose the gentle cycle. (Toss in a few towels to keep the curtain from sticking to itself and clumping.) For added disinfection, pour in 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) vinegar during the rinse cycle. Let the curtain air dry; it will melt in the dryer. Let the rubbed-in paste stand on appliqués for 20 minutes or so to remove darker stains.

9. The Air – Baking soda’s well-known ability to absorb odors in the refrigerator works just as well in the bathroom. If the sight of an open box seems unaesthetic, mix the soda into your favorite scented bath salts. Set the mixture in a pretty dish on the back of the toilet tank. Its freshening power should last for about 3 months.

To combat odors that emanate around the sink and drain, add 1/2 cup (120 milliliters) baking soda to the toe of an old pantyhose leg or nylon knee high. Tie it off and knot the leg around the pipes under the sink as a hanging sachet. If you don’t happen to have any old pantyhose lying around, you can make a pouch from a large square of cheesecloth or cotton fabric. Place the baking soda in the middle, then gather the excess material up around it and secure the ball of baking soda with a rubber band. Tie on a length of string or twine and hang it under the sink.

When you change the baking soda deodorizing your refrigerator, pour the used box down the bathroom drain. You can also sprinkle baking soda in the bathroom trash can after each emptying .

10. Your Body – We saved baking soda’s most important use for last. Baking soda can be the go-to ingredient in your personal care kit. Used straight, it’s a basic, mildly abrasive, antibacterial dentifrice — a tooth scrubber. Apply a bit to a toothbrush and brush as usual. Follow up with a baking soda and water solution as a rinse and gargle.

Like other salts, baking soda helps to reduce swelling and cleanse the skin by drawing out water and any substances dissolved in it. A few tablespoons of baking soda dissolved in a basin of warm water makes a soothing soak for tired feet. Apply a paste of baking soda and water as a facial exfoliant. And when the bug bites or the bee strings, apply the paste to the affected area. In addition to its drawing power, baking soda’s alkaline quality neutralizes the acids in insect saliva.

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Source: home.howstuffworks.com

Info About GMO Or Natural Products You Probably Do Not Know


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I ran across this article on a new site I have found and I love it they are very informative and trying to help educate people who are wanting to know how to read labels a,d what GMO’s are and what they are not! The food manufactures aka seed manufactures have been messing with our foods for sometime now. It is hard to say what we are actually putting into our bodies because the government will not make them put an accurate label on these products because anyone with any God given sense at all would not pollute their bodies with items that cause cancer or illness.

News about foods labeled as “natural” has been buzzing lately. From companies seeking out alternate terms like “simply” to attempts by Big Food to gain the ability to continue to label GMO products with the “natural” brand, we’ve all heard a whole lot about this word and all its variations found on U.S. food labels. We’ve also seen spoofs about the liberal application of the term by food marketing gurus all over.

At One Green Planet, we’ve covered what “natural” actually means when used on a  food label (for review: it means pretty much nothing at all, and it isn’t really regulated beyond some “guidance” by the FDA).

 Here’s the full FDA stance, if you’re wondering: “From a food science perspective, it is difficult to define a food product that is ‘natural’ because the food has probably been processed and is no longer the product of the earth. That said, FDA has not developed a definition for use of the term natural or its derivatives. However, the agency has not objected to the use of the term if the food does not contain added color, artificial flavors, or synthetic substances.”

That stance is just a little passive, don’t you think?

Now, we’d like to give you a glimpse of just what your “natural” food product could actually contain in consideration of all of these aforementioned points. Without further ado, we present to you: if your “natural” food label told the truth about the product.

 For illustration purposes, let’s take a look at your bag of “all natural” Sun Chips. For many years, this Frito-Lays product has been touted as a healthier option to conventional potato chips, and Frito-Lays has milked the “natural” branding with campaigns and labels galore for Sun Chips.

 From the product’s inception, the company has made use of clever marketing, from compostable packaging methods to the very nature of the name of the “Sun” (who doesn’t think of nature when they think of the sun?) Chip to invoke feelings of a “natural” product. And many of its variations of packaging over the years bore a “Made with ALL NATURAL Ingredients” label.

 And so many of us were and are still fooled. While Sun Chips may be an “healthier” alternative to conventional potato chips, there’s really not much that’s too sunny or natural about the chips themselves at all. Let’s take a look at this “natural” product’s ingredients:

1.   Whole Corn

 Truth: Nearly 90 percent of corn grown in the U.S. is genetically modified. Sun Chips corn is not organic, and not labelled as non-GMO, so it’s most likely made from GMOs. Is something that has been genetically altered in a truly natural state? No. Verdict? Not natural.

2. Sunflower and/or Canola Oil

 Truth: About 90 percent of canola oil is also GMO. My response? See ingredient #1. Verdict? Not natural (again).

3.  Whole Wheat

 Truth: Whole wheats are indeed better for you and less processed than other types. But here’s the thing about non-organic wheats: they often have a ton of pesticides applied to them. This study found that wheat flour can have up to 16 different types of pesticide residues – many of which are known or probably carcinogens. Does that kind of ingredient sound sunny and natural to you?

4.  Brown Rice Flour

 Truth: Non-organic brown rice is often home to very high levels of arsenic (even organic brown rice has been found to have arsenic traces, by the way), due to pesticides and fertilizers used in the growing process. Arsenic – yeah, not so natural.

5.  Whole Oat Flour.

 Truth: Conventional oats are often home to at least six different pesticides, typically.

6.  Sugar

 Truth: More than half of sugar in this country comes from sugar beets – and 90 percent of this crop is GMO. When you think natural sugar, do you envision scientists in lab coats modifying food genes in a lab? Didn’t think so. If Sun Chips aren’t touting this as non-GMO, it’s probably pretty likely this ingredient isn’t the natural-as-a-blue-sky one you’ve thought of.

7.  Salt

 Truth: If it isn’t specifically designated as sea salt from certain parts of the globe, this ingredient could be very similar to table salt, as Bee from Healing Naturally by Bee puts it: “Most common table salt is made up of chemicals that pollute your body and wreak havoc on your health. Your table salt is actually 97.5% sodium chloride and 2.5% chemicals such as moisture absorbents, and iodine. Dried at over 1,200 degrees Fahrenheit, the excessive heat alters the natural chemical structure of the salt causing the potential for a myriad of health problems in your body.”

 Natural salt, to me, would be fetched from the ocean and sprinkled into my bag of chips. Not polluted with chemicals and heated to extremes.

8.  Natural Flavor

 Truth: The natural flavor ingredient prevalent in so many “natural” products is a mystery…which is, in short, not good news for you. In truth, it’s a scary industry secret that could be really anything at all.

 Bruce Bradley, a former Big Food executive and current real food advocate explains, “Natural Flavors are also closely guarded secrets of manufacturers and flavor houses. It’s most likely a list of complex chemical compounds that would double or triple the length of the ingredient panel.”

 Verdict? If it’s made by humans with chemicals it’s not natural in my book.

9.   Malodextrin (i.e. Made from Corn)

 Truth: Yeah, once again, GMO and not natural. According to Mike Adams from Natural News, “If you pick up a natural product and the ingredients list says ‘maltodextrin,’ chances are very high that the maltodextrin in the product is derived from Monsanto’s GM corn.Virtually all the maltodextrin used throughout the natural products industry is genetically modified. Products that are certified USDA organic, however, are not using GMO maltodextrin.”

 So there you have it. Not one ingredient in Frito Lay’s Sun Chips, the prior holy grail of natural selections, is likely to have not been touched by humans and their technologies, whether via genetic modification or the coating of pesticides or heating processes or other unknown chemical change-ups.

The point here? Not a damn thing about this product is natural. And, by buying into its “natural” claims, so many of us were and are duped by this product and so many others.

 This is just one example. Thousands of products are still labeled as natural. Please — don’t buy into the natural label without knowing the truth: companies can, will, and do use this word and all its variations as marketing and not as actual information about the product’s natural state. Plus, they will continue to do so at our health’s expense.

Until the FDA requires some actual parameters around the use of this term (or eliminates the use of it altogether for food companies), think beyond the label, Green Monsters, and decipher ingredients, their sources, their processes, and their true states. That’s the only way to make sure you’re keeping it natural for real.

Source: http://www.onegreenplanet.org/vegan-food/if-natural-food-labels-told-the-truth/
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How to Reduce Acne The Natural Way


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Deep South Remedies Helpful Information Home Remedy Acne Treatments, Salt and Sugar Body Scrubs

Your skin also known as your epidermis is your largest organ. It keeps your internal organs and the rest of your so called guts inside your skeleton in “Layman’s terms”.

Here’s are a few simple tips: If you want the skin on your face to look lovely, stop touching it. Wash your skin a couple of times a day and not too much you do not want to remove the good oils. Wash your hands too because if you have germs or oils and you will transfer them to your face. Most people do not realize how much they actually tough their faces, I just had an itch while typing this! I have heard that working out relieves stress in the body not only will that make you feel better but sweating will also help you clean out your pores. Just remember to shower and cleanse your skin after your workout.

1. Baking Soda: Use baking soda. Mix equal parts baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste onto acne individually, not over the entire face. Dip a Q-Tip into the baking soda mixture and apply that way. Leave the baking soda paste on your face for about 10 minutes, or until dry. Wash off with very cold water. It will help close the pores significantly. Repeat at most two times a day. If your skin becomes irritated or excessively oily due to use, make sure to discontinue treatment.

2. Lemons: Try using lemon juice as an acne remedy. Cut a lemon in half and gently rub the open-side of the lemon onto the acne. The stinging feeling means it’s working. Lemons contain citric acid, which attacks the bacteria that cause acne. Make sure to wipe/wash the lemon juice off, and use sunscreen afterwards. Citric acid can bleach the skin and puts it at significantly higher likelihood of sun damage.

3. Potato: Slice a raw potato and apply to skin. Slice a raw potato in half and apply onto acne. Raw potato can heal as well as act an anti-inflammatory. Again, wash the residue off your skin gently with water after using.

4. Toothpaste: Use toothpaste for pimples. If you have a single, mighty pimple you want destroyed overnight, consider using toothpaste to cover the pimple with. Toothpaste contains silica, which is the substance you find in beef jerky bags, used to keep any moisture out of substances. Silica will dry out and diminish the size of the pimple overnight if left on.Try using a natural toothpaste — with silica but without sodium lauryl sulfate. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a harsh chemical that’s also an irritant to some people. It’s best to avoid it, and any of the big, name-brand toothpastes, for that reason.

5. Ice: Use ice to close your pores and reduce inflammation. A lot of people with big pores like to take ice cubes and gently hold or rub them over their problem spots. Ice specifically, and cold in general, constricts the blood vessels underneath the skin, making the irritation or inflammation less noticeable.

6. Tea Tree Oil: Use tea tree oil. Tea tree oil is a renowned anti-fungal and antibacterial herbal remedy, making it great for mild to moderate acne. In a study comparing the efficacy of tea tree oil and benzoyl peroxide, tea tree oil proved just as effective in fighting acne and reducing lesions.[1] Whereas benzoyl peroxide works quicker than tea tree oil, tea tree oil produces less side effects in patients.

7. Aspirin: Crush up some aspirin and use it as a paste. Crush up a pill or two of aspirin and mix it with just enough water to form a paste — as you might have done with the baking soda. With a Q-Tip or your hands, apply the paste onto individual pimples, leaving to dry. Why does aspirin work? Aspirin has salicylic acid in it, which is what most topical acne treatments use to bust up acne-causing bacteria. Salicylic acid dries out pimples and fights the bacteria simultaneously.

8. Alum: Apply alum to the pimples. Potassium alum can usually be found in the spice aisle in some grocery stores. Although widely used as a natural deodorant and styptic (lessens bleeding after a cut), alum is a natural antiseptic and astringent, meaning that it shrinks skin tissue.

9. Honey and Cinnamon: Honey is an unprocessed antibacterial agent that kills bacteria and eliminates acne. Cinnamon has beneficial properties from essential oils in cinnamon bark, allowing it to be an anti-clotting and anti-inflammatory agent to the skin. Combine the two and create a face mask to aide your skin in repairing damage.

10. Apple Cider Vinegar: The lesser popular vinegar than balsamic, this regulates the pH of your skin and can help with detox. Malic and lactic acids are also found in the vinegar for assistance in softening and exfoliating skin, using as a toner and treating acne all over your body. Weaken the vinegar with water and apply to the face as a toner.

11.Tomatoes/Tomato Pulp: The acidity in tomatoes helps skin dry up acne. Not only this, but inside of the tomato are vitamins (A,C and K) and lycopene, which can be found in many acne healing medications. For a simple take on the tomato for clear skin, slice one open and simply place it on the problematic areas of your face. You can also grind or mash up the tomato into a pulp consistency and apply like a facial mask, repeating the process regularly and you’ll see the difference.

12. Garlic: Allicin, sulphur, zinc and calcium properties are all found in garlic and act as antibiotic and anti-fungals, helping to clean the skin. To use garlic, crush cloves, mix with water and apply to the skin.

13. Cucumber: Hydration! Cucumbers are 95% water, they remove dead skin cells and clean pores. They can be used as a face wash as they moisturize and remove extra oil. Grind cucumbers and mix with water for application to the face.

14. Sugar Scrub: Skin exfoliation is the most important beauty treatment that you should follow in order to maintain healthy, glowing and pimple free skin. Brown sugar is one of the mildest natural exfoliater. It removes the dead cells, dirt, sebum and impurities from the pores, which causes pimples.

15. Oranges: Use orange peel is also a wonderful home remedy for treating acne and acne scars. Dry orange peel in shadow and grind them to make powder. Make a paste of orange peel powder with water and apply on the acne. This home remedy is very effective for curing acne naturally at home.

There are many more out there not sure if all of them work but I have heard also banana peel, oatmeal etc. You have to find what works and if you are really wanting to ensue you correct your acne problem you might want to contact a dermatologist and rely on prescription strength medication. These are all just suggestions for mild acne that you can try different treatments for common isolated acne.

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Proven Home Remedies


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There is a wide range of alternative remedies out there that can effectively treat a variety of common ailments and conditions. For example, ginger is known to bring relief to people suffering from diarrhea, heartburn, dizziness, nausea, flatulence and gas. Studies have even shown it to be extremely effective in treating morning sickness. You can take this natural remedy in various forms, including ginger tea and ginger ale. One thing to remember is that for the ginger-based treatment to be effective, you need to make sure that it contains real ginger root.

A natural remedy that’s actually a pleasure to take is honey. Taking a teaspoon of honey is a tried and true way to alleviate a dry cough and scratchy throat. Honey is also a natural antibacterial that can be used to treat minor scrapes and cuts. There’s even some evidence that honey can speed up the time it takes to get over a hangover. According to physician Audrey Halpern, consuming honey on toast aids your body in metabolizing alcohol. Salt is another common household product that has medicinal applications. Non-iodized table salt has been proven to alleviate sore throats, soothe itchy bug bites and treat sinus congestion’s.

If you have minor muscle sprains or bruises, then you should consider applying ice packs to the problem area. As soon as you press a cold compress to the injury, you’ll start to experience a reduction in pain and swelling. Applying ice or cold packs causes the pain signals to slow down. Another home-based remedy for achy muscles is the heating pad. Applying a heating pad to a specific area causes blood flow to increase and also loosens up the muscles in the process. You can expect to start feeling less stiff within 30 minutes of applying the heating pad to the problem area. A warm bath is also effective in alleviating muscle pain.

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source: health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/natural-medicine/home-remedies/proven-home-remedies.htm

How to Identify Spiders


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How to Identify Spiders DSR
It is believed that some three-quarters of the human population is intimidated by spiders in one form or another.

North America is home to about 3,400 of the categorized 40,000 species of spiders in the world. Spiders are known as Arachnids and fall under the class Chelicerata and order Araneae, taking various shapes and forms as well as colors and behaviors. Regardless of the individual species, all spiders consist of eight legs and feature two-piece bodies made up of the cephalothorax (front) and abdomen (the bulbous rear). The cephalothorax contains a multiple-eye arrangement (the number varying by species), mouth parts and the legs while the abdomen holds the the silk-producing facilities of the spider.

Spiders can generally be identified by the type of web they create though not all webs are used to capture prey. Some are used in courtship rituals while others are used to secure egg sacs. Silk is produced by specialized glands found in the abdomen of the spider that are formed of liquid protein generated within the body. This protein hardens once it is outside of the body and released through the rear of the abdomen, guided by spinnerets that allow the spider to customize its release as needed. It is not wholly uncommon for spiders of different species to share a web or a spider to steal another’s prey. Other species rely on the element of surprise and bury themselves in loose soil, springing out when prey passes – injecting them with powerful subduing venom.

Source: insectidentification.org/spiders.asp
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How To Identify Poison Ivy


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How to identify poision ivy
Living it the South we always have some Poison Ivy, Poison Oak or Sumac lurking on trees, bushes or as ground cover. Here is something that I ran across that will hopefully help you out to identify especially if you are an outdoor person. It is almost that time of year to get out and get active. It is almost camping, fishing and hiking weather if we can ever get past the winter blues! Good luck and hopefully you will have a poison ivy free year 🙂

Source: treksinthewild.com
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The Healing Properties of Lemons


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Do you know lemons have some pretty amazing health benefits? Let’s look into the healing power of lemons.

Headaches – Lemon juice with a few teaspoons of hot tea added is a treatment discovered by a sophisticated New York bartender, for those who suffer with hangover headaches. It was eventually learned that it helped headaches due to many other causes, as well.

High Blood Pressure – Lemon contains potassium which controls high blood pressure and reduces the effect of nausea and dizziness.

Mental Health
– Lemon water can pep up your mood and relieve you from depression and stress.

Respiratory Problems – Lemon water can reduce phlegm; and can also help you breathe properly and aids a person suffering with asthma.

Treating Arthritis and Rheumatism – Lemon is a diuretic – assists in the production of urine which helps you to reduce inflammation by flushing out toxins and bacteria while also giving you relief from arthritis and rheumatism.

Prevents Kidney Stones – Regular consumption of the refreshing drink — or even lemon juice mixed with water — may increase the production of urinary citrate, a chemical in the urine that prevents the formation of crystals that may build up into kidney stones.

Anti-Aging – Lemon water reduces the production of free radicals which are responsible for aging skin and skin damage. Lemon water is calorie free and an antioxidant.

Treat Infections
– Lemon water can fight throat infections thanks to its antibacterial property. If salt water does not work for you, try lime and water for gargling.

Purges The Blood – We consume a lot of junk food or food with a lot of preservatives and artificial flavors. This builds up a lot of toxins in the blood and body but daily consumption of lemon water helps to purify the blood.

Oral Health – Lemon juice also stops bleeding gums and reduces toothaches

Stomach Health – Digestive problems are the most common ailments but warm water and lime juice is the solution to most digestive problems. Lemon juice helps to purify the blood, reduces your chances of indigestion, constipation, eliminates toxins from the body, adds digestion and reduces phlegm.

Disinfect Cuts and Scrapes – Stop bleeding and disinfect minor cuts and scraps by pouring a few drops of lemon juice directly on the cut. You can also apply the juice with a cotton ball and hold firmly in place for one minute.

Clean and Whiten Nails – Pamper your hands without a manicurist. Add the juice of 1/2 lemon to 1 cup warm water and soak your fingertips in the mixture for 5 minutes. After pushing back the cuticles, rub some lemon peel back and forth against the nail.

Cleanse Your Face
– Zap zits naturally by dabbing lemon juice on blackheads to draw them out during the day. You can also wash your face with lemon juice for a natural cleanse and exfoliation. Your skin should improve after several days of treatment. Lemon water is also a cooling agent, best way to beat the heat.

Freshen Your Breath
– Make an impromptu mouthwash by rinsing with lemon juice straight from the bottle. Swallow for longer-lasting fresh breath. The citric acid in the juice alters the pH level in your mouth, killing bacteria that causes bad breath. Rinse after a few minutes because long-term exposure to the acid in lemons can harm tooth enamel.

Lighten Age Spots
– Why buy expensive creams when you’ve got lemon juice? To lighten liver spots or freckles, try applying lemon juice directly to the area. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse your skin clean. It’s a safe and effective skin-lightening agent.

Treat Flaky Dandruff – If itchy, scaly dandruff has you scratching your head, relief may be no farther away than your refrigerator. Just massage two tablespoons lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir one teaspoon lemon juice into one cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat daily until your dandruff disappears.

Soften Dry, Scaly Elbows
– Itchy elbows are bad enough, but they look terrible too. For better looking (and feeling) elbows, mix baking soda and lemon juice to make an abrasive paste, then rub it into your elbows for a soothing, smoothing, and exfoliating treatment. Rinse your extremities in a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and water, then massage with olive oil and dab dry with a soft cloth

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Do You Know The Difference in Dairy Cows


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Deep South Remedies Helpful Information

Do You Know your Dairy Cows
Many of you have had some type of encounter with dairy cows. Perhaps you have seen them on television in commercials, or you may have even seen them grazing in a field and noticed how different they look. There are five common breeds of dairy cows, Ayrshire, Brown Jersey, Guernsey, Jersey, Holstein- Friersian and the Milking Shorthorn Cow.

Ayrshire: The first cows of this breed were thought to have arrived in New England from Scotland’s County Ayr in the early 1820’s. Well adapted to rocky farms and harsh winters, the Ayrshires thrived, eventually spreading to dairy farms all across the country
Brown Swiss: Believed to have originated in the Alps of Switzerland, these hardy animals are tolerant of harsh climate and produce large quantities of milk, close behind the Holsteins. Officially recognized as a breed in the U.S. in 1906, the first small group of cows arrived here in 1869. Though few animals were actually imported, this hasn’t stopped their steady growth in number, and today, the Brown Swiss are very important members of the dairy industry.
Guernsey: As their name suggests, these cows hail from the British Isle of Guernsey in the English Channel. Well-bred by monks from select French Norman/Breton cattle lines (Alderneys from Normandy, Froment du Leons from Brittany), the first to arrive in the U.S. were brought by ship in 1840.
Holstein-Friesian: Originally bred in Northern Germany, and the North Holland/Friesland regions of the Netherlands. These familiar black and white cows were selectively bred to make large quantities of milk from the area’s most abundant natural food source- grass.
Jersey: Developed on Britain’s Isle of Jersey, close to the Isle of Guernsey just off the coast of France. With a history as a pure breed that dates back several hundred years, they are descendants of stock from the French region of Normandy.
Milking Shorthorn: Part of the Shorthorn cattle breed originally developed for beef in Britain, descendants of these moderate producers were bred and selected for milk rather than meat. Arriving in the U.S. in 1783, the first multi-purpose Milking Shorthorns provided the early settlers with not only milk, but meat and pulling power as well.

Each breed gives a slightly different milk product that varies in nutrient content (i.e. protein and vitamins). You are probably most familiar with the Holstein-Friesian (black and white) dairy cow. It is the most popular among dairy farmers because it produces more milk than the other breeds. Although it would make sense for farmers to milk herds of pure Holsteins since they give the most milk, some farmers mix their breeds because cows that are slightly mixed tend to be stronger than pure Holsteins. This hybridization is what accounts for the difference in appearance that you may see in a herd of dairy cows.

What else should you know about cows? Here is some cool information. Just like with humans, there are different names given to cows depending on their sex and stage in life. For example, a female cow younger than 3 years old that has not had a baby is termed a heifer; a male cow is called a bull; and a castrated male is a steer. So a dairy cow is a female that has given birth to a baby. That baby is called a calf. A Holstein’s spots are like fingerprints- no two cows have the exact same pattern of spots. Cow’s provide 90% of the world’s milk supply. The average mature dairy cow weighs approximately 1,500 pounds. How does that compare to your own weight percentage wise.

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The Benefits of Cinnamon


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Deep South Remedies Helpful Information

Cinnamon is one of the oldest spices known. It was mentioned in the Bible and was used in ancient Egypt not only as a flavoring for beverages, and/or medicinal purposes, but also as an embalming agent. It is a spice that comes from the branches of wild trees that belong to the genus “Cinnamomum” – native to the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. There are two main types of cinnamon. Cinnamomum verum (Ceylon cinnamon), most commonly used in the Western world. And Cinnamomum aromaticum (Cassia cinnamon or Chinese cinnamon), which originates from southern China, is typically less expensive than Ceylon cinnamon. There are three active compounds in cinnamon that make it so nutritious: Cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate and cinnamyl alcohol making cinamon a “Super Food”.

There are many benefits from cinnamon including lowering of LDL cholesterol, controlling blood sugar, it may prevent cancer cell growth, it is an antimicrobial and anti-fungal, insect repellent, it reduces pain from arthritis and menstrual pain. It has many other properties too but these are some of the most important benefits I see if it reduces pain, and helps with the possibility of diabetes by lowering blood sugar. It is a growing problem in the US with type II onset diabetes and the diets of most Americans in general, and diabetes runs in my family. If you can use some cinnamon from time to time with all of these benefits I am sure it would be of much help to most individuals. It is also rich in manganese, fiber and calcium. Consume between 1 to 6 grams of organic cinnamon a day to experience the health benefits from cinnamon. GOOD STUFF!
Cinamon Chart

Anti-Microbial Activity

Cinnamon’s essential oils also qualify it as an “anti-microbial” for food, and and skin. We use cinnamon oils in our beeswax balms for its anti-fungal properties. Cinnamon has been studied for its ability to help stop the growth of bacteria as well as fungi, including the commonly problematic yeast Candida. In laboratory tests, growth of yeasts that were resistant to the commonly used anti-fungal medication fluconazole was often (though not always) stopped by cinnamon extracts. Cinnamon’s antimicrobial properties are being used as alternative to traditional food preservatives.

A Favorite Benefit of a Cinnamon, a Cinnamon Bath– Cinnamon baths have been used for many centuries dating back to biblical times as spiritual purification in many cultural traditions. The natural properties in cinnamon will remove toxins from the body especially after an illness. Cinnamon also acts as a natural disinfectant & astringent, helping to cleanse the body from infection and will help raise your body temperature on a cool day!

Cinnamon Bath Recipe- Add ¼ cup of ground cinnamon in a muslin bag or cheesecloth and drop it into your bath.

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Information About Food Sources Change Your Diet For Your Life


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Deep South Remedies Helpful Information about changing your food in your diet to change your life.

As we get older our physical and mental health starts to have a different meaning to us all. Some of the people I have grown up with have children now, and are worrying about their children’s health, along with their own. Most people I know try to live and eat healthy but no one succeeds all the time. Life today is very busy for most people and to try and exercise and eat right has become really difficult. You have to be absolute and specifically carve out the time to do so to be really successful and to get into a routine. It seems if you are an active adult the children in your life will be pretty active too unless the television or newest game for entertainment is raising them for you.

After doing a lot of research about health, recipes, food and diet I have started realizing there might something more to all the new health issues such as the climbing rate of type II diabetes, and all of the new allergy symptoms. They may be be a reason behind this and it has been eyeopening to say the least. I learned a lot in Culinary School about food, health and about the importance of a sustainable food chain, and where our food comes from. My first couple of jobs did not have a very large salary attached to them and I was not able to afford very much so I skimped on my food purchases most of the time.

I have bought many different foods feeling like I was doing the right thing and switched to all natural foods for awhile, more than likely some still have GMO aka Genetically Modified Organism= A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered using genetic engineering techniques foods in there too. Over the past few years I have had more allergies some severe, and have had physical issues too. I have been fairly healthy most of my life but have noticed a difference over the past 3-5 years. Every time I have been to the doctor which is not that often because I am not very fond of paying, even with co-pay. Their solution has been antibiotics, or some type of steroids.

All of this has led me down a path of investigation and trying to find out why! I think I have always been pretty healthy for the most part. However I have a sweet-tooth that a candy store might have a hard time satiating. I feel that there is a reason for this too. I am not sure how many people are aware of Candida Fungus Candida is a genus of yeasts and is currently the most common cause of fungal infections worldwide. Basically what I have found out about the candida yeast is that it makes you crave sugar and cause many more problems that over time will really damage your body. It will more than likely lead you down a road to the possibility of diabetes, and having obesity issues with the possibility of many more.

GMOs on the other hand are a totally different subject too but it is directly affecting the health of Americans. The companies in charge of our food sources are trying to manipulate our food sources for many reasons. They are trying to control the yield to meet the supply and demand, to help with pests eating the crops, and then there is the whole patent issue for their seeds. One of the largest companies is Monsanto and they make round-up and are one of the largest seed manufactures in the wold. Do you really want the people making weed killer to be responsible for making your tomato plant. Think about that for a moment and let it set in before you start judging me, and many others for not wanting that so much. There are many people trying to put pressure on our government to make the labeling of GMO foods be stated on the label. Take a look at the boards for all of the companies that manufacture the seeds for the masses and look to see which former or current congressman/woman are on their board of directors. Every time there has been legislation to try and let the American people know what they are actually buying it has been shot down.

Same with the sugar issue. I have done much research on this but if you start doing your own it gets really scary. Look into how they got aspartame into the American diet. Study after study found that it cause tumors and cancer in laboratory rats time after time, and yet they eventually spent enough money to get it approved. I am sure there was much back door dealing and buying votes to get that one through, but they are laughing all the way to the bank. I used to be a smoker and that was the hardest thing I had to give up because the addiction was so strong. The same is happening with sugar. Candida yeast is basically “Bad Belly” in my terminology. You will have many issues in the long run once the “sugar hooks” are in. Some of the symptoms are of course sugar cravings like wanting ice cream, pasta, sodas, breads or anything high in carbs. The information below will be very helpful if you want to know how to get on the road to recovery from the candida beast/yeast.

Candida albicans is a fungus, which is present in everybody. It is found on the skin and mucous membranes. In small amounts it is harmless but when its growth increases drastically it can be devastating. The imbalance of excessive candida is called candidaisis. It is considered one of the most prevalent yet unrecognized conditions of modern man.

The candida fungus releases wastes into the bloodstream that have a profound effect on the nervous system and immune system. This creates a variety of symptoms, including such common complaints as: food cravings (for sweets, alcoholic beverages, chocolate, etc.), excessive allergies, diaper rash, vaginal infections, depression, food sensitivities, exhaustion, headaches, irritability, memory loss, obesity or excessive weight loss, gas and bloating, diarrhea or constipation, PMS, earaches, numbness, MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity), leaky gut and many others. Candida affects physical, mental and emotional well-being. Thinking becomes unclear and irrational and often is unnoticeable to the victim.

Candida may be one of the primary causes of ill health and obesity in the country today because it creates a downward health spiral. As it becomes prevalent in the body, a person craves carbohydrates and sweets, allowing it to thrive even further, thereby impeding the immune system and creating symptoms and excess weight. On and on it goes until the body’s immune system is weakened and symptoms are no longer tolerable. At this time, a physician is usually consulted and antibiotics might be prescribed which kill off more friendly intestinal bacteria that keeps fungi under control, allowing further candida proliferation. In this advanced stage, acute depression and suicidal tendencies may emerge.

Candida infection is difficult to diagnose since the fungus is present in every human tested and because it creates such a variety of symptoms. The best way to determine whether you are being adversely affected by this fungus is to look at your diet and your health. If you feel addicted to sugar, crave breads or other carbohydrates, are experiencing any other symptoms as listed above, or just don’t feel well, chances are you are being affected by candida and should consider a change in diet. Candida and Fungus thrive on simple foods like sugar, carbohydrates and fermented foods and cause cravings for these foods so it is best to eliminate them from the diet.

Balancing act
In a healthy body the friendly bacteria (flora) in the intestines compete against fungi to maintain a healthy balance by not allowing the fungus to grow out of control. Antibiotics from drugs, birth control pills, cortisone and foods containing antibiotics, such as meats, poultry and dairy, kill the bacteria population, upsetting this balance, allowing candida and fungus to grow unopposed. Fungi thrives in an acidic environment, bacteria, including intestinal flora, is comfortable in a weakly alkaline to neutral environment. Once the fungi population increases they produce wastes that create an acidic environment that bacteria cannot survive in.

Natural Approach

Over the last twenty years people have become more aware of fungal infections and candida. The symptoms of candida are vast and misdiagnosis is common. The typical medical approach to alleviating these issues usually begins with more antibiotics by trying to treat another illness, which just makes matters worse, followed by an anti-fungal drug which the fungi mutates around and becomes more resistant, thus becoming more difficult to eliminate. Some medical doctors are modifying their methods to take a page out of the naturopathic approach. Unfortunately, candida can be very difficult to control and practitioners of all modalities have their own idea as to what works for candida, although candida correction can have a high failure rate.

What to avoid

Candida and fungi thrive on sugar and carbohydrates, and fermented foods such as beer, vinegar and pickles, also moldy foods like cheese. It is best to avoid carbohydrates, sugars, alcoholic beverages, fermented foods, mushrooms, cheese, bread, wine, beer, and even fruit and fruit juices since they contain concentrated fructose, a natural fruit sugar. Dairy products should be used in small amounts because they contain lactose, a milk sugar. This change in diet is not as simple as it may sound because the cravings for sugar and carbohydrates are extremely strong and may overpower any controlled approach to eating. Since fungi excel in an acidic environment it best not to consume acid forming foods including vinegar, coffee, tea, fried foods and spicy dishes.

What can I eat?
This change involves eating vegetables and proteins such as fish and other lean meats (seek a natural source without antibiotics). Foods to include are fresh steamed vegetables, sea vegetables, natural poultry without antibiotics or hormones, sea foods, unprocessed oils, eggs, tofu and almonds. Once you have been off sugar and carbohydrates for a few days, you begin to feel in control again, as though a fog has been lifted from your brain. After a week or so, you may slowly add fresh fruits. Fruits MUST be eaten alone and on an empty stomach. You can also add natural whole grains like brown rice, millet, amaranth, rice cakes, flat breads (made without yeast) to your diet. Continue to avoid yeast containing foods for awhile (like breads, wine and beer) to maintain control of the fungus growth. Make salad dressing with lemon juice instead of vinegar. Bake, poach, boil and steam your food instead of frying. There are a lot of culinary possibilities.

I suggest that you start to eat organic if possible. Visit your local farmers market and support your local economy and your local growers you and your family will be more healthy for it. My suggestion is to try this for 90 days to see what benefits you see and how much better you feel. If you decide to throw some exercise in the mix you will see much more change. Advise is to do research and get involved, we need to know what is in our food. The change will start when everyone has had enough of illness and when people are made more aware of how they are manipulating our food sources. I have not even begun to start talking about our meat sources, the diets they feed them, and then the slaughter house facilities. Buy local and know your source!


http://www.nongmoproject.org/learn-more/ Want to learn more about GMO here is a good place to start.

Interested in reading labelshttp://www.cspinet.org/reports/chemcuisine.htm Chemical Cuisine -“Shopping was easy when most food came from farms. Now, factory-made foods have made chemical additives a significant part of our diet.

Why You Should Stop Eating Processed Foods
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